Markazi Maktaba Islami Publishers, New Delhi
اسلامی معاشرے کی خصوصیات
In this book, a comparative study of Western society, Hindu society and Islamic society has been presented. Finally, the foundations of Islamic society and the features of Islamic society have been highlighted in detail.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Kamal Akhtar Qasmi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, 2018. Pages: 208. Price: 155 rupees.
قیام امن اور اسلام
In this book, the causes, factors and their types of insecurity in the world today have been explained, and Islamic teachings and Islamic rules and regulations for establishing peace have been highlighted for its remedy.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Kamal Akhtar Qasmi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, 2016. Pages: 184. Price: 100 rupees.
خوش گوار ازدواجی تعلقات
In this booklet, in the light of Quran and Hadith, the guiding principles and regulations of happy marital relations are explained.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Jurjees Karimi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, New Delhi, 2020. Pages: 28. Price: 30 rupees
اتحاد امت کا مسئلہ چند اہم گوشے
In this book, the dominance of individual interests in the unity of the Ummah, differences and confusion and mutual hatred and jealousy, are religious differences the cause of humiliation and degradation? Topics such as wrong interpretations, causes of extremism in religion and differences of opinion and the disobedience of the Companions are covered.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Jurjees Karimi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, New Delhi, 2012. Pages: 72. Price: 30 rupees.
بصائر قرآن
In this book, the study of 12 different topics is presented in the light of the Holy Quran. Among them, the names of the Holy Quran and their meaning, the importance of referring to the Quran, the Quranic style of proof, the role of reason in the understanding and implementation of divine guidance, the Quranic concept of trial, the Quranic concept of patience, the prevention of obscenity in Muslim society. The measures and "certain misunderstandings of man and the Holy Qur'an" are particularly noteworthy.
امام ابن تیمیہ حیات وافکار
In this book, a study of the political thoughts of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah is presented. Especially in the light of his two books "Al-Siyasat al-Sharia fi Islah al-Ra'i wal-Raiyyah" and "Al-Hasba fi al-Islam" his political thoughts have been examined.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Jurjees Karimi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, New Delhi, 2001 AD. Pages: 96. Price: 70 rupees.
توحید اور قیام عدل
In this book, the understanding of monotheism has been done in the light of modern science and Quranic verses. The principles and requirements of establishing justice in individual and collective life have been clarified.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Jurjees Karimi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, New Delhi, 2012. Pages: 92. Price: 50 rupees.
مسلمانوں کی حقیقی تصویر (قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں)
In it, misunderstandings related to Muslims are reviewed and resolved in the light of Quran and Hadith. Especially, the objections of Muslims related to terrorism, cleanliness, have been made the subject of discussion.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Jurjees Karimi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, New Delhi, Second Edition: 2017. Pages: 164. Price: 98 rupees.
اسلام کی امتیازی خصوصیات
This book presents a study of 9 distinguishing features of Islam. Among them, religion based on revelation, religion based on safe source, religion based on reason and evidence, religion of nature, moderate and balanced religion, religion based on spices and wisdom, religion of happiness, civilized religion and complete religion are particularly noteworthy.
Author: Maulana Muhammad Jurjees Karimi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, New Delhi, Second Edition: 2012. Pages: 212. Price: 100 rupees.
احیائے اسلام مفہوم، مسائل اور تقاضے
Examining the reasons for the decaying teachings of Islam in the present era, the eternal illusion of Islam has been highlighted. Also, the requirements of Islamic revival have been explained and the difference between renewal and modernization has been clarified.
Author: Maulana Mohammad Jurjees Karimi, Publisher: Markazi Maktaba Islamic Publishers, New Delhi. Second edition: 2014. Pages: 144. Price: 85 rupees