اعجاز قرآن كے وجوہ
Conducting an extended sermon in the institute with the title "Reason of Miracles of the Qur'an".
Only those who are passionate about the Qur'an are familiar with the technical styles, mysteries and codes of the Qur'an and its virtues; But there are certain features of the Holy Quran which, especially in our age of science and discovery, continue to be revealed to experts in other fields besides those who are passionate about Quranic studies and they are happy with them. Muhammad Saud Alam Qasmi (Former Dean Faculty of Theology, Aligarh Muslim University) delivered an extended sermon on *"Reason of Miracles of Quran"* at Institute of Islamic Research and Authorship, Aligarh.
During the conversation, the professor raised an important question that many prophets came from Adam to Muhammad, and scriptures and books were revealed to them, so why is only the Qur'an a miracle? In response, he said that the Qur'an is It is therefore a miracle that the books that were revealed before the Messenger of Allah were for a particular nation and a particular time, later they were abrogated, and the Holy Qur'an was revealed as an abrogation, so this is a miracle. The second thing is that Allah In addition to the book, He gave all these prophets sensory and material miracles, seeing which the nations came to believe, for example, the coming out of the fire of Nimrod safe and sound by Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). The turning of a staff into a snake and the light coming out of his hand, the healing of lepers by Jesus (peace be upon him), the resurrection of the dead and the turning of iron into wax in the hands of Prophet David (peace be upon him). These were various miracles, sensory and material miracles, undoubtedly the Prophet. Allah, the Exalted, also gave material miracles to the Holy Prophet, but the miracle that was given to him as a proof of Prophethood is the Holy Qur'an - the Holy Qur'an was a miracle in the life of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. Further, he pointed out that this question can be raised that why it did not happen that such a miracle was given to Hazrat Musa (a.s.) which was for the sake of the world. Answering this, the guest speaker said that after these prophets, one last prophet. The Messenger had to come, who was to be a Messenger for the eternal and the generations of the Day of Resurrection: Yayyah al-Nanasu inni Rasool Allah to you all.
Pointing to the wisdom of being the mother of the Prophet, Professor Qasmi said that it was necessary to keep the Prophet, peace be upon him, as a mother in order to give him a scientific miracle. He gave the miracle that defeats everyone in the battle of magic. Assuming that if Moses had already had the knowledge of magic, then it could have been objected that he himself was an expert in this art, he won with his skill. The importance of his miracle could not have remained at that time - this was exactly the case of Hazrat Isa (as) - the time when the Prophet (peace be upon him) was sent was the era of literature and literature - the Arabic language was the most important language in the world at that time, in this environment you He was given a scientific miracle, but while living in this Arab environment, he never set his knee in front of anyone - if he had ever acquired knowledge from someone, this scientific miracle would not have been meaningful - Professor Musuf said that after the revelation of the Qur'an. Accusations were made on him, the Holy Quran continued to challenge him for fifteen (15) years; He was proficient in languages; But in spite of this, he preferred to fight with him; This is a clear proof that those who called others dumb (foreigners) were defeated in front of the miracles of the Qur'an.
Throwing light on the history of miracles of the Qur'an, he said that in the second century of Hijri, when various sciences and arts were translated, there was a lot of mixing of Muslims from foreign civilizations, at that time, there was a need to focus on the art of miracles along with other sciences and arts. Come on
According to Professor Qasmi, the first book on the Miracles of the Qur'an is by Wasil bin Atta _ While explaining the different forms of the Miracles of the Qur'an in different periods of history, he said that in the first two centuries there were discussions on the eloquence and eloquence of the Holy Qur'an; In the fourth and fifth centuries, apart from eloquence and eloquence, the discussion of the occult also became a part of the miracles of the Qur'an. Any other word in its place, even if it is a word from the Qur'an, is not suitable. It is said by Khatabi that if even one word of the Holy Qur'an is removed from its place, the whole text becomes lifeless and it starts bleeding. In addition, the said professor said with reference to Aisha bint Abdul Rahman Al-Shati's book "Al-Bayan fi Ijaz al-Qur'an" that three words are used for the staff of Moses in the Holy Qur